The cause of high cholesterol can be through things we control such as lifestyle choices or other factors like family history and age. Staying on top of factors you can control through simple changes can reduce the risk of cardiovascular and heart disease. We respond to your questions by providing simple suggestions to assist you to decrease high cholesterol today.
1. What foods can cause my cholesterol to rise?
If you’re suffering from excessive cholesterol levels, then it’s vital to avoid eating more saturated fat. Foods high in saturated fats include processed and fatty meats pie and pastry butter, cream and coconut oil.
Certain foods are loaded with diet-related cholesterol, however they do not make a huge difference in the cholesterol levels of your blood. They include eggs, shellfish, crab, prawns, and prawns as well as offal like liver pate, kidney and liver. They are not high in saturated fats and can be eaten within a balanced diet.
2. What are the foods that can reduce my cholesterol?
The most effective way to consume healthier is to substitute your saturated fats for foods which are rich in unsaturated fats such as vegetable oils (sunflower oil, olive and the rapeseed oil) as well as nuts and seeds, avocados and oily fish.
Small changes could make a huge difference in your cholesterol. Some people do not feel the impact. Try:
changing butter into spreads of vegetable oil such as olive, sunflower or the rapeseed oil spreads
switching from whole milk to skimmed
making use of natural yogurt in place of sour cream, or double cream
substituting regular mince for leaner choices that are lower in fat
substituting processed or red meat with fish, turkey or chicken with skin or plant-based proteins, like lentils, soya or Quorn.
Change your crisps’ salt for unflavored nuts
using cheese with reduced fat instead of regular cheese.
ordering less takeaway. Instead, try our healthy comfort foods to enjoy delicious healthy choices for your heart.
Consume fibre to reduce cholesterol levels.
Foods high in fibre may aid in lowering your cholesterol. Fibre can reduce the quantity of cholesterol absorption into bloodstream from the intestinal.
Be sure to consume at minimum five portions of fruits and vegetables per day, as they contain fibre as well as other nutrients.
Take advantage of other foods high in fibre such as pulses (such as beans, lentils and chickpeas) Oats and seeds.
Make sure to choose more wholegrain products when you can, like brown or granary breads over white bread.
3. Does exercise aid in lowering cholesterol levels?
Yes, it is possible. In order to get your blood flowing, engaging in exercise can lower the amount of cholesterol you have. Being active can help your body to move bad cholesterol to the liver where it is eliminated from your system.
It is not necessary to join the gym or do long runs if you don’t like it. Instead, take advantage of opportunities to be active every day. A lot of people have found that exercise boosts their mood and helps them can make better food choices. Try:
Taking the stairs instead of using the lift
an active walk in place of walking slowly
performing two-minute bursts or jump at jacks many times per day
pilates or yoga if aren’t able to get out
our workouts to complete for those who are stuck at home.
4. Can quitting smoking reduce my risk of developing high cholesterol?
If you’re a smoker , you may already know that you must quit if you have high cholesterol. Smoking causes a rise in cholesterol called ‘bad and decreases “good cholesterol’, which increases the risk of heart strokes and heart attacks.
If you’re struggling to quit smoking, speaking with your GP is a good start or, if you’re living in England you can reach for the NHS Stop Smoking Service.
There are also services for free throughout Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
They will be equipped to provide you with valuable tips on how to overcome cravings and slowly end smoking.
5. Do I need to stop drinking when I have high cholesterol?
The reduction in alcohol consumption will aid your liver in working better at eliminating bad cholesterol. It could also enhance your heart health in different ways through helping you shed weight and reduce blood pressure.
Our top suggestions for drinking alcohol include:
Drink under 14 units in a week
You can have a few days per week when you don’t drink any alcohol at all
Avoid the temptation to drink by drinking only just half of what you typically drink
You can order a small glass wines or half of a pint beer.